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Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2015 7.0 Final [Español] [ULD]


Te permite transformar tu ordenador en el cuaderno de bocetos más completo
Autodesk SketchBook Pro es un software de dibujo útil y avanzado lleno de capacidades esbozo de calidad profesional y una interfaz intuitiva, diseñada para convertir tus fotos en obras de arte.
Diseñado para el uso con PCs de tableta o tabletas de lápiz digital, el software de pintura y dibujo Autodesk SketchBook Pro es tu cuaderno de dibujo digital. Es fácil de usar con herramientas rápidas, de dibujo reactivo y mejora de la productividad que te ayudan a expresan tus ideas libremente y aumentar la producción.
Utilízalo en cualquier proceso de diseño donde tradicionalmente se utiliza el lápiz y papel, incluyendo:
· Ideación y diseño de concepto de producto
· Ilustraciones
· Estudios de carácter
· Diseños de conjunto y nivel
· Storyboarding
· Anotación y revisión
Estas son algunas de las características clave de "Autodesk SketchBook Pro":
· Las herramientas de estilos de dibujo & guía, como curvas francesas, te ayudan a crear trazos limpios y casi exactos
· Las capas permiten construir y organizar un dibujo
· Incorpora tus propias imágenes arrastrando y soltando, o importa en capas
· Las herramientas conocidas, como lápices, pinceles, aerógrafos, marcadores, gomas de borrar, herramientas de relleno por difusión y cepillos de mancha hacen que sea más fácil empezar
· Fácil acceso a herramientas y comandos en los menús intuitivos y personalizables
· Describe imágenes rápidamente por la importación de imágenes y adición de comentarios en la parte superior

Con el software Autodesk SketchBook Pro usted puede
Dibujar, anotar, y presentar diseños de productos de transporte en nuevas maneras.Mejorar la libertad de expresión de sus diseñadores, sin sacrificar la productividad.Permitir a los diseñadores sumergirse justo en el dibujo con una interfaz intuitiva basada en gestos y herramientas digitales ultra-sensibles.Cambiar a un flujo de trabajo sin papeles, con un solo clic y la rápida anotación de imágenes que utilizan capas no lineales.Compartir ideas más eficazmente, moviéndose a través de colecciones de bosquejos y anotando ideas inmediatamente.CAMBIOS EN LA VERSION 2015
• Animation - kineografa creation , animation , using transparent celluloid films , animated prototype or proof of concept . Set keyframes on the timeline. Set the background color , create the background plate , then create animation with films. Kineografa file acts as a conventional drawing file with two exceptions - it also has a timeline and it contains only three layers .
• Choice - Call Select toolbar containing a set of selection tools , including a magic wand . ????????? > ????? > ?????) ???????? ???? ?? ????????? ?????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ????????? ??????: ">In the settings ( Edit> Preferences > General> Selection) , select one of the following options to access other tools change your selection :
• Standard mode - after a selection is made with the selection tool will be available tools Replace , Add , Delete, and Cancel Invert selection by the Selection toolbar to change the selection .
• Fast mode - after the selected area appears washer conversion to move, resize and / or rotate the selected objects.
- Magic Wand - use picker magic wand to select the area on the basis of color . Change tolerance ( 1-255) to determine the accuracy of color matching . More than the tolerance, the greater range of facilities .
- Permanent choice - choose an area to perform a sketch and / or use a gradient fill .
• Blend - Blend consists of several colors, turning into color before and / or after it. There are two types of gradient fills : linear and radial .
- Linear fill - filling the area with a color paint formula and its application linearly from the first contact (beginning) to the end of the drag area ( destination) . Thus determines the direction and size of the formula . At the same time you can add, move, or delete a fill manipulators .
- Radial fill - filling the area with a color paint formula and its application radially from the first contact (beginning) to the end of the drag area ( destination) . At the same time you can add, move, or delete a fill manipulators .
• Extended trim - use the Crop tool to increase the size of the web.
• Sharp edges brush - use the new setting sharp edges of the brush to create a textured brush strokes with sharp edges.
• Washer new color - contains additional palette for drawing and gradient fill.
• Layers - added features multilayered transformation and deformation, and also grouping layer background colors and blending modes .
- Layer groups - creating groups in the Editor of layers to organize the components.
- Background color layer - this layer is used only to set the background color of the drawing. Strokes should be used for other layers.
- Additional blending modes - added the following blending modes : blackout blackout basis , linear dimmer , lighting , lighting foundations , glow, soft glow , overlay , soft light, hard light , hue, saturation , color and intensity .
- Multi- transformation - use the SHIFT key to select multiple layers and their subsequent rotation, scaling and translation.
• Distortion - a toolbar added the following tools:
- Select a multilayer distortion - select multiple layers and apply to them the same distortion.
- Select distortion - move the points that have dependencies , 90 degrees and create a sense of perspective , or speed. Appear bounding box and a manipulator . Drag and change the position of the points of the bounding box .
- Distortion of scale - resize a set of distorted objects. Use the SHIFT key to uniform scaling and hold down SHIFT, drag one way to scale in one direction only .
• Change the position of the axis of symmetry - drag the manipulator to move the lines of symmetry.
• Auto backup - no need to worry about the program crashes or data loss. All results are automatically restored the next time the SketchBook.
• Modes prospects - a toolbar added modes prospects:
- Mode 1 point
- Creation of a vanishing point in the center of the canvas . Hover on this point to display the horizon ( blue) line . Drag the handle to change the position of the vanishing point and the horizon.
- Mode 2 points
- Create two vanishing points aligned horizontally by default.
- Mode 3 points
- Creation of three vanishing points . When the mouse pointer or drag the vanishing point appear skyline (blue) and the triangle connecting the three points ( light blue) .
- The " fisheye "
- Establishment of five vanishing points : left, right , top, bottom and center . The grid consists of a horizon line , vertical line and a circle. Curves intersect at a vanishing point . When moving the center point moves the whole grid . As you move the edge of the radius of the circle changes

S.O: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/ Windows 8





FECHA DE SALIDA: 30.03.2014


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